VoltRunner LogoVolt Runner

Recycled Gas to Battery Electric Vehicle

Sustainably generate the energy you use is Reason # 4

SPUFFER: Solar Power Utility For Finns' Electric Rides
A Washington State Private Small Electric Power Utility located on the roof of our home

Residential sustainable energy investment incentives utilized:
 30% Federal sustainable energy tax credit on system costs
 Washington State sales tax exemption for solar generated electricity systems
 $0.15/kWh Washington State solar electricity incentive until 2020 for each kWh generated
 Whenever kWh of electricity being generated exceeds that being used in our home,
      excess electrons (kWh) are sent to the grid and our meter runs backwards (net metering)

 The information shown below is near-real-time and historical data for the energy production of our PV system.
     (Click on "Today's Power time-lapse" at bottom of "Overview" panel to access animation controls.
      Click on control to animate power production for each panel sampled at 15 minute intervals.)

 We symbolically placed SPUFFER in service on 9/11/2011 first electricity charged EVs on 9/1/2011).
 Panel array consists of 14 Sanyo HIT 225W PV panels for a total nominal capacity of 3.2kW.
 Diagram below is an accurate panel layout on our due south facing, 20 pitch roof.
 Total Lifetime Energy kWh (below) x 4 = the number of miles SPUFFER's electricity has powered our EVs.
 We drive our two EVs less than a  combined total of 12,000 miles annually.
 We no longer own an internal combustion engine vehicle.
 Seattle area averages 80 - 90% of the annual solar energy of Los Angeles because of our long summer days.
