VoltRunner LogoVolt Runner

Recycled Gas to Battery Electric Vehicle


About Volt Runner

Volt Runner as envisioned and as builtVolt Runner is the product of my need for a personal vehicle for my transportation needs in the Seattle metropolitan area. The original 2007 design specs required an EV to be used daily for trips in the local area, a top speed of 60+ mph, a range of 50 miles, a total project cost of less than $15,000 and a demonstration vehicle suitable for advancing SEVA's mission of EV a) education, b) demonstration and c) proliferation.

The theme of the car would be a somewhat ironic tribute to a classic 1970's muscle car, the Plymouth Road Runner. This whimsical theme provides a bright color connoting environmentally friendly and a superhero to appeal to the car's target education audiences: elementary school students.

Road Runner Volt Runner vehicles

My project management responsibilities resulted in assembling the following team of product and service providers to successfully complete and continue to update my experimental EV project car (VoltRunner specs).